Follow our school building project in Prachuap!

This blogg will show you the development of the EIC Kittikun school counstruction, aswell the team making the project possible. If you want to be part of the project we would love to tell you more about it, please send us your contact  info and we will respond to you as soon as possible. We wish you all the best.                                                                            

EIC Kittikhun team

If you want to suppport us: Swish: 123 100 8119  , Bankgiro: 427-9857

Manager Ben :)

Looks strong and is strong !!!

Materiel for the second floor

Soon ready for concrete !!

The frame is being built

Ready for cement

View from the street in to the school area

View from the school out to Prachuap Siri road

Fina lock och supergod sylt

Pappa Lars älskade att väva mattor

2 super arbetare med försäljning

Försäljningen går till skolbygget

Vackra saker av naturen

A video clip from the site...its getting there :)

Keeping on Building !!!

Inspecting the ground pillars

Last pillar to be filled up at ceremony

Ceremony speach by principle Mr Charnwouth

In memory of my father Lars Lorner

All the students helped to pour in some cement on the last pillar :)

My Beloved father....Loved forever......

Some years ago....precious lovely memory.

The next step of the foundation !!

Heavy work....

Looking good :)

Helping hands makes it easier ;)

Now it is beginning to appear that there is plans for a large building on the site.

Strong steel :)

# 14 Iron is being formed !!!

# 13 The ground is drilled to prepare for the foundation pillars, it is important to build a solid foundation :)

# 12 A walkway is being built between the new building and the school administration, which is temporarily housed next to the playground :)

# 11 In the former place where the old building once stood, we now only see a motorcycle, an old wall and of course the worked ground that becomes part of the foundation. In connection with the construction, we have also raised the ground to cope with floods better when the monsoon rains hit.

#10 Here we go....the "last" wall of the old 1 floor building is now down. It has been some work to tear down and it will be some work to build up the new building. Stay tuned and you will see a great project take place @ kittikhun school, Prachuap :)

#9 Here is the place where the admin office will be during the construction, when it is finished the admin will move to the new place and this rooms can be used for other purposes :)

#8 A short video from the facility.

#7 ...and this is the result, super fresh !!

#6 We needed to build a new entrance....

#5 Soon the old building is all gone...*

#4 Almost the whole 1 floor old building is now torn down, the material we can reuse is saved.

#3 The old is being replaced by something new.....;)

# 1 This is a visuall picture of the new school building.

#2 The architect drawing of the school building, Admin space and 12 classrooms

22/2/22 Historic date and historic building :)